I'm in a shitty mood I am. I tried to stop smoking today. I am delusional.
Lets start at the beginning:
I was the girl who hated cigarettes and all those who smoked. I was the evil pain in the ass at parties, who would ask for a ciggie and then break them in half, or alternatively take the smoke hanging out of a mates mouth and break it in half. I was super popular at parties.
I then met this man who was amazing and wanted to date me. I told him I would only date him in his dreams ,unless he quit smoking. God, I am amazed at how romantic I can be at times ;-)
He did. We got together. After a year together, the game started. He knew it was a personal hate of mine so when we had arguments he would light up a cigarette and blow the smoke in my face.
I got so fucked off about it, I decided to join him at his own game and snatched the box away to light one up. Coughing and spluttering, I could see how irritated he was that I was smoking. His green eyes glared at me as if I had just scooped up a piece of doggy poop and stuffed it into my mouth. Well that was it, he would light another up and so I did too and now it's been 7 years of smoking.
All of this to spite him, but actually all I did was spite myself.
Thing is, my mother doesn't know. Yes I'm half way through my twenties, but I reckon that even if I was 40 I couldn't tell her, let alone smoke in front of her.
It's all very bizarre.
I also don't believe that New Years Resolutions ever work, but I have decided this is the year of change and organisation.
Starting with my body.
I smoked my last cigarette last night at a mates house, Archers Aqua and ciggie were in one hand and mascara and teary tissues in the other. My mate has decided to break up with the schmuck. Finally.
Anyway, I don't crave ciggies. It's more habit than anything else. I get into my car, smoke. I have a cuppa java, smoke. I see someone else light up, it's a reminder: "Oh yes, I can do that too."
I have alcohol, I smoke (the biggest habit) and after meals I light up too.
How hard can it be to just change a few habits? I have amazing will power (except for diets, but generally I'm good) and so I should be able to kick this soon.
Ha! What bloody ever! I am a cow. It's been 14 hours and I felt depressed. I have a miserably sore headache and I am no ray of bloody sunshine. So I succumbed. I bought my Marlboro Lights, lit up, exhaled and felt relieved. Aaaaah!
Now I feel guilty that it only took me a few hours and I crumbled. What is wrong with me??
I'm annoyed.
It's called and addiction! I promise you though it does get easier once the nicotine leaves your body (48 - 72 hours) and then it is just all mental.
It is hard though but strong will power and I promise you you can do it!
*sends waves of support over*
I have zero will power but I think maybe weening yourself off of it might help.
That is my 2 cents, basically worthless.
Also, it's not as if you cut yourself or murder little kittens... you don't, right?
i loooooove smoking....never really bothered to try quit except while i was pregnant and having appalling morning sickness. then i didn't feel like smoking!!
i'm not a smoker myself, and therefor whatever advice i may or may not give is purely hearsay.
Maybe you should follow high's advice and quit one ciggie at a time? make sure you smoke a little less everyday until you eventually just quite?
@ruby - the only problem with that is that you still have the addiction and that one cigarrette is just as hard to give up as having 20 a day. I did try that, and it would work for a month or two and then one day I'd say to myself "oh one more won't hurt" and then it was a downhill slide again!
@blonde - only way to go is Cold Turkey and it is hard but so much better once you quit!
miss m - i'll take your word for it..as i said, hearsay:)
Blondy...rather listen to Miss M...she's waaaaay bette at this than me
I love these little discussions between y'all! Now, I'd like to add that Divine Miss M - it's great to have you back blogging and I appreciate your wave of support PLUS I think I'll go cold turkey...Oh dear!
High in Dubai... um... what if I do?
*evil grin*
Just teasing!
I'm proud to say I've cut down already, but then a glass of wine passes my way and I make up for lost ciggies! Cold TURKEY! ARGH!
Ruby you are S-M-A-R-T! I am really pissed off with myself. Thanks for the advice...thing is confusion set in...is the final verdict: Listen to Miss M or High in D?? LOL
Expensive Mistakes and Cheap Thrills (great name by the by) I am really NOT gonna fall preggers (as tempting as it is, as an excuse to stop smoking) You're so right!! I LOOOOVE SMOKING! Need to get my head right first!!
@Blonde - you won't manage to quit if you still love smoking. I only managed to quit because I was really hating the way it was making me feel and the cough in the morning etc.
It'll only happen if you REALLY want too ;)
Pregnant to quit smoking ... interesting idea ... ;)
Oh by the way it's good to know that someone missed me whilst I was away ;)
oh shit. shame chicatita! good luck! oh wait, you caved didn't you?
hehehe. more is nog 'n dag...as they say.
you need to read Allen Carr's stop smoking book! i did 5 years ago and, give or take the occasional relapse, I haven't smoked since (i was on 20+ a day).
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