Are you the type of person who goes to the shops and in your mind you want to buy new clothes, you know something exciting and something fashionable, but instead, you go for the same things you normally buy?
I do this all the time. I always buy the same style top, same skinny jeans, same colours etc. I also only discover this when I get the parcels home and I put them into my closet, next to the same shirts and jeans.
I admire women who experiment with fashion and try new things. I want to, but I guess I'm stuck in my ways. That's why you need to take a really stylish but realistic and honest friend with you who can pick things out that you ordinarily wouldn't.
So, I have some pics of some things I would love to get. I'd like to get your opinions though.

I love this white dress, although I'd prefer to have this in a less shiny material.

I am absolutely in love with the grey jersey, long or short. Too cute! Love the entire look!
QUESTION: Is this fashionable?? Have I missed the bus somewhere along the way.


Do I need to explain?
What do you think??
Right! Bear in mind, please, that my fashion sense is quite different. I experiment, but I have a few basic, casual, unusual things that I like, i.e. man shirts over strappy tops = just awesome.
Floral dresses: yes
White dress: no
Grey jersey: no (sorry)
Strange blue and yellow ensemble: please no
White buttony coat: yes, not for me personally but it's cool, I like it
Stockings: yes, probably... everyone does it but there's a reason for that!
Black dress: hmmm no...
Don't take my word as gospel, fashion is another country to me!
I relate to your blog completely !! that is so me as well. But my thing is also that I may be able to choose and buy the different more fashionable clothes but I just cant pull it off in every day wear or trying to intergrate things into my wardrobe. So i go back to the ordinary things that I know work for me and look good - but i do wonder if i'm being too boring. Esp being a designer and all.
and btw the long cut off stockings are huge here and is just an extension on the whole legging look that is even bigger here.
my reply on the images is:
floral dress - only if you can pull off patterns (i cant) or find a really nice pattern you love
white dress - no
grey jersey - yes, love that look as well (i try that and still just look too dressed down tho)
White coats - i so wanted to get one of those but had to get a more practical black one first - so YES
black dress - yes
Hahahaha!!! Very good Anna! Appreciate the honesty, but you've now got me I the one without any fashion sense??
AW! You see? We're always behind! I take it you either live in New York/London Midnite gem...sorry I haven't looked yet! SA we're always behind in fashion as far as retail goes. If you want be ahead, it's expensive boutiques /designers!
So're a wondeful! Please showcase some of your things x
Right...I love & live for this shit..
The floral dress - depends on the occassion & whether or not you've got the bod to pull it off...if so...go for it, I reckon it's a show-stopper!
The white dress - absolutely love girly, so cute...I love the bow/ sort of empire line thing...maybe if it was black or purple I would love it more but ja, the style is stunning!
The grey jersey - am so funny re: greys...I have a cute grey/ silver top on at the mo...has to be the right cut & funny re: grey jerseys...eek!
That non-fashionable gunk - eew!
The coat - stunning, stunning, stunning...I want...I have something very similar!
Stockings - eek...need long legs!
Black dress - sold! I adorable!
I like the fact that you're wanting to try new's great! I've also become like that of late & it's really quite refreshing, although it takes a little getting use to...sometimes I feel so self-conscious because I look completely different to the norm & it can make you uncomfortable...hopefully you'll find all the right things :)
Most of the stuff I find extremely cute, except for that extra-weird blue/yellow THING...
Found your blog on the sabloggers ning site.
Really cool fashion you're found there! I like the last black dress... gorge! White dress... there's too much shine. Maxi dresses - I love if you're a stick figure with zero hips. Grey jersey... yes. stockings...yes. White coat ... gorge!
Welcome Jenty! Yay! Thank you!
Ok, so I think we're all sold on that blue/yellow ensemble being rubbish!!
Can't wait to get read your blog now :-)
Kab, you're going to be in the hub of the fashion world when you move to London! Oooh look, I look like Shrek now! I'm green with envy!
Great taste girl!
You said it lenfercestlesautres! Awesome!!
Hey- yeah I live in London and so remember how behind SA is. I just find all the fashion over here too overwhelming as well - there is just too much of it. But it is still fantastic that I can get designer clothes copied at all the cheap places.
Am an interior designers and these are the links to some of my work on my blog:
First office design
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