How lovely! I woke up at 6am, like an excited little child, only I'm not. I'm 25.
It's the first birthday I really do feel a little different. When you're 22, 23, 24 years old, you are still in your early twenties. I felt like I was testing out my twenties, I could still be stupid and crazy and "young".
Now, I'm 25 and I feel like I need to be an "adult", no more messing up and making irresponsible decisions, you know?
Yikes. No pressure. Ha ha ha! *she laughs nervously*
I have had breakfast with me mate Special K...except we ate poached eggs. Ha!
Lunch with my mom and sister and tonight, my entire family joins me for a yummy prawn dinner. Can't wait!
I also get to open pressies tonight - yeeehah!!! Let the spoiling continue ;-)
I brought cake into work today and as soon as I put the trays down, the cake was gone. Crumbs are the only reminder that there was cake. Yummy chocolate, caramel cake and granadilla cake - GONE. Bloody vultures ;-)
Mmmmm.... There goes the diet for a day!
I have been so spoilt today and I feel every single person should feel special and wonderful on their birthday.
I wished my mom Happy Birth-giving day and she blushed -it was very sweet! She can't believe she has a 25 year old daughter.
Seriously though, didn't I just enter my twenties? Where did the past 5 years go?
AND... *shudder* if the past 5 years flew by, that means I'll be 30 next week!
Ok, one step at a time! Time to EAT CAKE!!

Happy Birthday!
I turned 25 in December and was very distressed about it, I don't want to grow up! So I'm refusing too.
I spent Saturday playing silly buggers with a 20 year old boy at our climbing centre. We were doing handstands, fighting each other and trying to climb up ropes and then hitting each other with them.
Great fun!
Oh thank God! That makes me feel so much better!
Awesome fun and THANK YOU for the lovely wishes :-) x
Growing up is boring ;)
hey watch it!!! i'm also 25 and if anybody told me i can't be silly sometimes i'll kill them!
that's what keeps us young hun! so don't worry about it ok?
Bless Blondie's cotton socks...
Hope you be having the best day ever! I am turning the big 2-5 in a month from now and I must say, for the first time in my life I am beginning to to think adult thoughts... Although luckily they never get in the way of me having a party or unfortunately making a fool out of myself!
Hey Happy Birthday, hope you had a great day, and fab dinner :)
happy birthday! 25 is a great age :)
I'm 30. You all are bitches.
WOW!! I'm not alone in the year they call 25! Awesome!! Thanks Ruby and High in Dubai ;-)
Thanks La Sapphire Fliteur - you are an angel :-)
Zuzula...*mwah* ;-)
Wahahahahaha!! Don't believe a word, you are hysterical...don't worry, you can tell us stories that start like this: "I remember when I was a little one..."
Happy Birthday! I'll always regret not celebrating my 21st, but in a couple years I can do my 25th in style!
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