Ok, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I am severly pissed off Santa doesn't exist.
And no, this is not something I have just found out -although that could have been amusing.
Seriously. I am pissed off about it. It killed the magical spark of Christmas for me. I still remember trying as hard as I could, to keep my little brown eyes open, to wait for Santa. I woke up at 5am with excited anticipation, to check if Father Christmas had arrived and sure as nuts there were the gifts in my stocking. The mince pies I left out were half eaten or there were crumbs left behind, and the milk was drunk. I even left carrots out for the reindeer and there used to be bits of carrots left over.
How special? I thought so, until I got told by some snotty 9 year old bitch that "Santa doesn't exist, loser!" and I ran crying to my mom, only to be told that it was time they told me it's true.
I was gutted.
I almost feel like leaving mince pies and milk out...for old times sake...for my inner child. Fuck, I don't know?
I did my final bits of Christmas shopping today. I vow every year that I will not grace the malls with my presence on the 24th and what happens every year? Moron here, wades through the crowds.
I got put into an instant mood. Listen pimply bitch behind the counter, life cannot possiblybe that shitty you have to scowl at me like everything is my fault.
To the 2 grannies, I know you're old and have difficulty walking, but why don't you hobble to the side? I need to move in long strides, not at snail pace.
To the dude at the wrapping paper counter, there is a reason boys shouldn't wrap gifts. Did you lose a bet that you're behind that counter offering the "service"? Thanks to you, what was supposed to be time saving has now become time consuming since I have to redo your crappy job.
With that off my chest :-) I am really looking forward to Christmas tomorrow!
I am going to stuff my face with turkey, stuffing, gammon, trifle, christmas pud and brandy butter...mmmmmmmmmm.... I think I just put on 15kgs just thinking about it! ha ha!
Wishing you all A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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